The 4th International Symposium on Phase‑Field Modelling in Materials Science.
July 22th - 25th 2019, Bochum (Germany)OBJECTIVES AND TOPICS
The 4th International Symposium on Phase‑Field Modelling in Materials Science (PF 19), to be held at the Ruhr-Univerität Bochum / Germany, is intended to provide an excellent forum for the growing phase-field community. We aim to cover a broad field of theoretical modelling, numerical methods and applications related to phase-transitions, moving boundary problems, pattern formation and microstructure evolution in general. Also model integration into a multi-scale, multi-physics framework are of high interest. The covered topics include:
- Model development and analytics
- Numerical implementation and benchmark tests
- Microscopic / Mesoscopic phase-field models
- Phase‑field crystal
- Solidification and diffusion controlled transformation
- Rapid solidification, mixed mode transformation and strong deviation from equilibrium
- Solid state and structural transformation
- Interaction of dislocations with precipitates and grain boundaries
- Large deformation and fracture
- Material architecture, topology design and microstructure optimization
- High performance computing and aspects of hierarchical model integration
We would like to discuss latest advancements and future directions for these approaches, hence contributions covering unpublished results or work in progress are particularly encouraged. We also highly appreciate contributions dealing with the experimental validation of models named above. We expect that a wide range of applications, from solidification to fracture, phase transformation and microstructure evolution in general, polycrystalline and multiphase materials, hybrid materials, functional, and biological materials will be covered.
Important dates
31 January 2019 | Deadline for abstract submission |
1 March 2019 | Notification of acceptance / tentative program |
1 December 2018 | Early registration |
9 June 2019 | Late registration |
12 July 2019 | Deadline for registration |
22-25 July 2019 | Symposium |
Scientific Committee
Benoit Appolaire | University of Lorraine (France) |
Long-Qing Chen | Penn State (USA) |
Yong Du | Central South University (China) |
Ken Elder | Oakland University (USA) |
Alain Karma | Northeastern University (USA) |
Valery Levitas | Iowa State University (USA) |
Nele Moelans | KU Leuven (Belgium) |
Ralf Müller | TU Kaiserslautern (Germany) |
Britta Nestler | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) |
Yong Ni | University of Science and Technology (China) |
Machiko Ode | National Institute for Materials Science (Japan) |
Munekazu Ohno | Hokaido University (Japan) |
Nik Provatas | McGill University (Canada) |
Tomohiro Takaki | Kyoto Institute of Technology (Japan) |
Axel Voigt | TU Dresden (Germany) |
Peter Voorhees | Northwestern (USA) |
Lijun Zhang | Central South University (China) |
Organization Committee
- Ingo Steinbach (ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- Yunzhi Wang (Materials Science and Engineering, Ohio State University)
- Oleg Shchyglo (ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- Irina Roslykova (ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Plenary Speakers
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Discovery and Design of Mesoscale Structures for Novel and Optimum Properties Guided by Phase‑field Simulations
Long-Qing Chen |
![]() | High-performance phase‑field computing of solidification and grain growth
Tomohiro Takaki |
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Phase‑field Modeling of Fracture
Alain Karma |
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Emergent pattern formation induced by stress‑driven multiple instabilities
Yong Ni |
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Defects at grain boundaries: a coarse-grained description by the amplitude expansion of the phase-field crystal model
Axel Voigt |
Download program [PDF]Monday 22. July 2019
9:00-10:00 | Welcome | ||
10:00-10:10 | Introduction (Prof. Steinbach) | ||
10:10-11:00 | Plenary I: Prof. Long-Qing Chen, Pennsylvania State University, USA Discovery and Design of Mesoscale Structures for Novel and Optimum Properties Guided by Phase-field Simulations Chair: Ingo Steinbach | ||
11:00-11:10 | Break | ||
11:10-12:30 | Session I:Solid state phase transformationChair: Yunzhi Wang |
Session II:SolidificationChair: Damien Tourret |
Session III:Emerging materials and industrial applicationsChair: Yong Ni |
Chemo-mechanical multiphase-field modeling on the mesoscopic length scale: Applications to microstructural processes during heat treatment of steels Daniel Schneider, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Solid-liquid interfacial properties estimated from phase-field and molecular dynamics simulations Munekazu Ohno, Hokkaido University, Japan | A phase-change memory device simulation using electrothermal and phase-change models Kwon Yongwoo, Hongik University, Republic of Korea | |
Multiscale simulation of precipitation in Al-Cu alloys Hong Liu, KU Leuven, Belgium | Thermodynamic description and thermophysical properties of Mg-Gd alloys and quantitative phase-field simulation of their solidification process Lijun Zhang, Central South University, China | Multi-phase-field modelling of microstructure formation during the crystallization of a ternary alloy for phase-change memory applications Raphaël Bayle, PMC-Ecole Polytechnique/CEA Leti/STMicroelectronics, France | |
Ginzburg-Landau Modeling for Martensitic Transformation Coupled with Composition Redistribution and Edge Dislocation Evolution Guanglong Xu, Nanjing Tech University, CHINA | Phase-field investigation on the dynamic contact angle in a peritectic transition Yuhan Cai, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Phase field simulation on the mechanical controllability of toroidal ordering in ferroelectrics Weijin Chen, Sun Yat-sen University, China | |
Coupling of phase field simulation of pearlite formation considering Fe3C1-x cementite and MatCalc thermokinetic input data Marko Vogric, TU Wien, Austria | Phase-field modelling of nucleation in a binary glass forming system Anders Ericsson, Lund University, Sweden | Phase field modeling of topological phase transition in ferromagnetic materials Jie Wang, Zhejiang University, China | |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch | ||
14:00-15:50 | Session IV:Solid state phase transformationChair: Daniel Schneider |
Session V:SolidificationChair: Lijun Zhang |
Session VI:Emerging materials and industrial applicationsChair: Alain Karma |
Highlight 30Min | Peter Voorhees Coarsening of Bicontinuous Structures: A Comparison between Experiment and Simulation |
Janin Eiken A multi-phase-field approach for solidification considering phase, temperature and composition dependent local molar volumes |
Shenyang Hu Mesoscale Model of Volumetric Swelling in Monolithic UMo Nuclear Fuels by Coupling Phase Field Approach and Rate Theory |
A Phase-Field Model for Segregation-Assisted Grain Boundary Phase Separation and Its Application to FeMn System Reza Darvishi Kamachali, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (MPIE), Germany | Rod to lamellar transition during anisotropic two-phase eutectic growth Sumeet Khanna, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India | Pattern formation during dewetting of a solid-state thin film – A phase field study Miral Verma, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India | |
Phase Field Simulation of Alpha/Beta Phase Transformation in Titanium Alloy Welds Rajeev Ahluwalia, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore | Effects of branching on primary dendrite arm spacing in directional solidification of Al-Cu alloy Jaehoon Lee, Hokkaido Universtiy, Japan | Phase-Field Modeling of void growth kinetics in irradiated metallic fuels Yong Lu, Xiamen University, China | |
Phase-field/CALPHAD methods for multi-phase and multi-component microstructures Chuanlai Liu, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Germany | Phase-field simulation on morphological diversity of solidification structure with different preferred growth directions Kim Geunwoo, Hokkaido University, Japan | Formation Mechanism of script lamellar structure in Directionally-Solidified MoSi2/Mo5Si3 Eutectic by Phase Field Simulation Chuanqi Zhu, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan | |
Domain dynamics in strain engineered bismuth ferrite thin films: a phase-field study Soumya Bandyopadhyay, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India | Effect of Crystalline Anisotropy on Spacing Homogenization in Lamellar Eutectics Maxime Ignacio, LPMC, Ecole Polytechnique, France | Application of the phase-field model for finite interface dissipation for general material problems Matthias Stratmann, OpenPhase Solutions GmbH, Germany | |
15:50-16:20 | Break | ||
16:20-18:00 | Session VII:Solid state phase transformationChair: Peter Voorhees |
Session VIII:SolidificationChair: Janin Eiken |
Session IX:Emerging materials and industrial applicationsChair: Reza Darvishi Kamachali |
Finite Strain Phase-Field Microelasticity Theory for Modeling Microstructural Evolution Yunzhi Wang, The Ohio State University, United States | Phase-field as a benchmark for other models of solidification and microstructure evolution Damien Tourret, IMDEA Materials Institute, Spain | Phase-field modelling of non-isothermal grain coalescence in additive manufacturing Bai-Xiang Xu, TU Darmstadt, Germany | |
Phase field modeling of 2D and 3D equilibrium shapes of the precipitate under influence of coherency stresses Bhalchandra Bhadak, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India | Phase-field Solidification Texture Model for Powder Bed Fusion Additive-Manfacturing Process Kamalnath Kadirvel, Ohio State University, United States of America | Full-field simulations with OpenPhase: scientific and technical developments Johannes Görler, OpenPhase Solutions GmbH, Germany | |
Large scale phase-field simulations of solid state sintering Johannes Hötzer, Hochschule Karlsruhe, Deutschland | PF-LBM modeling of equiaxed dendritic growth and motion in undercooled melt with forced fluid flow Sen Luo, Northeastern University, China | Grain-Size and Frequency Dependent Behaviors of BaTiO3 Nanoceramics: A Phase-Field Study YU SU, Beijing Institute of Technology, China | |
Phase-field simulation of lath martensite microstructure in low-carbon steel Oleg Shchyglo, ICAMS, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany | Modelling defects formation in late-stage solidification using a novel phase-field-crystal method Nan Wang, Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, China | Phase-Field Modeling of Gas Bubble Morphology in Solids Amy Kaczmarowski, Sandia National Laboratories, United States of America | |
Investigation of the Evolution Kinetics of Porous Metals During Dealloying by Phase-field Method SanQiang SHI, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China | Simulation of a rising bubble in a quiescent liquid: Coupled Phase-field Navier-Stokes model Farshid Jamshidi, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Phase-field simulation of solidification and homogenization in quinary high Mn steels Won Tae Kim, Cheongju University, Korea | |
18:00-21:00 | Barbeque |
Tuesday 23. July 2019
9:00-9:50 | Plenary II: Prof. Dr. Alain Karma, University of Boston, USA Phase-field Modeling of Fracture Chair: Mathis Plapp | ||
9:50-10:10 | Break | ||
10:10-12:00 | Session X:Solid state phase transformationChair: Yann Le Bouar |
Session XI:Recrystallization and grain growthChair: Mathis Plapp |
Session XII:Mathematical and numerical aspectsChair: Oleg Shchyglo |
Highlight 30Min | Dong Wang Phase field simulations assisted novel strain glass design |
Samuel Forest A Cosserat crystal plasticity and phase field approach to grain boundary migration |
Machiko Ode An application of machine learning to estimate interface conditions in KKS phase-field model |
Variant selection during α precipitation in Ti-6Al-4V alloy under stress and around dislocation Jinhu Zhang, Institute of Metal Research, China | Modeling of abnormal grain growth during carburization in Nb-alloyed steel Kinoshita Takahisa, Hokkaido University, Japan | High-Speed High-Throughput Thermodynamic and Phase Equilibrium Calculation and Its Application in Phase Field Simulation Shuanglin Chen, CompuTherm, LLC, USA | |
Effect of strong chemo-mechanical coupling on phase-transformation kinetics and microstructure stability Ingo Steinbach, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany | Phase-field modeling of abnormal anisotropic grain growth in polycrystalline ceramic fibers Julia Kundin, Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Germany | Coupling phase-field and CALPHAD models for multicomponent systems using thermodynamic tensor models. Yuri Coutinho, KU Leuven, Belgium | |
A phase-field study of elastic stress effects on phase separation in ternary alloys Saswata Bhattacharya, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India | A phase-field investigation on the processing-dependent microstructure during selective laser sintering Yangyiwei Yang, TU Darmstadt, Germany | A regularized phase field model for anisotropic motion-by-curvature Thomas Philippe, Physique de la Matière Condensée, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France | |
Phase field modeling of deformation twinning in beta-metastable titanium alloys Benoit Appolaire, Université de Lorraine, France | Quantitative phase field modeling of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization for magnesium alloy during thermomechanical processing Yulan Li, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States | Multi-phase-field modelling of void migration caused by electromigration in bamboo interconnect line Akimitsu Ishii, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan | |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch | ||
14:00-14:50 | Plenary III: Prof. Dr. Tomohiro Takaki, KIT, Kyoto, Japan High-performance phase-field computing of solidification and grain growth Chair: Ingo Steinbach | ||
14:50-15:10 | Break | ||
15:10-17:00 | Session XIII:Solid state phase transformationChair: Dong Wang |
Session XIV:Recrystallization and grain growthChair: Samuel Forest |
Session XV:Mathematical and numerical aspectsChair: Machiko Ode |
Highlight 30Min | Valery Levitas Phase transformations, dislocations and their interaction: Nano and microscale phase field approaches |
Matthias Militzer Simulating the role of solutes and mobility distributions on grain growth and recrystallization using phase field modelling |
Fathollah Varnik Modelling metallic foam: A combined phase field Lattice Boltzmann approach |
A framework for modeling the interaction of phase boundaries with dislocations Michael Budnitzki, Institute for Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany | A phase field model for Cu6Sn5 compound evolution in binary Cu-Sn system under thermomigration effects. Anil Kunwar, KU Leuven, Belgium | Simulation of Capillary-Driven Kinetics with Multi-PhaseField and Lattice-Boltzmann Raphael Schiedung, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Deutschland | |
A Phase-field study on t → m martensitic phase transformation in zirconia ceramics Mohan Kumar Rajendran, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics, Germany | Prediction of recrystallization texture in extruded aluminium alloys using phase field modeling Ali Khajezade, The University of British Columbia, Canada | Breakup of liquid jets: Thermodynamic perspectives Fei Wang, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany | |
Modelling the stress-induced multi-variant martensitic transformation in nanoindentation Mohsen Rezaee-Hajidehi, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT), Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland | Phase-field Simulations and Time-Resolved X-ray Experiments: a method for determining large datasets of grain boundary properties Jin Zhang, Northwestern University, USA | Higher Order Evolutionary Structural Optimization with Phase Field Modeling Ingo Münch, KIT, Germany | |
Mesoscale Modeling of Metal-Hydrogen Interactions Tae Wook Heo, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA | Simulation of equilibrium morphology of WC in WC-Co hard metals by phase-field method Li Han, Central South University, China | Homogenization and averaging models for phase-field modeling Mohammad Sarhil, Institute of Mechanics / Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany | |
17:00-17:30 | Break | ||
17:30-21:00 | Poster Session |
Wednesday 24. July 2019
9:00-9:50 | Plenary IV: Prof. Yong Ni, CAY Key Laboratory, University Hefei, China Emergent pattern formation induced by stress‑driven multiple instabilities Chair: Yunzhi Wang | ||
9:50-10:10 | Break | ||
10:10-12:00 | Session XVI:Solid state phase transformationChair: Valery Levitas |
Session XVII:Recrystallization and grain growthChair: Matthias Militzer |
Session XVIII:Mathematical and numerical aspectsChair: Fathollah Varnik |
Highlight 30Min | Rongpei Shi Revisiting heterogeneous nucleation at grain boundaries: The role of faceted nucleus and grain boundary interaction |
Mathis Plapp Topological defects in two-dimensional orientation-field models for grain growth |
Sukeharu Nomoto Multi-phase field model with finite interface dissipation coupling with thermodynamics data estimated by machine learning |
Co-precipitation kinetics of γ’ and γ’’ phases in Ni-based superalloy using multi-phase field model Kamalnath Kadirvel, Ohio State University, United States | Modelling of Magnetic Driving Force in Grain Boundary Migration: Using Multi-Phase Field Method Liu Huo, ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany | On Phase-field modeling with two phases Michael Fleck, University Bayreuth, Germany | |
Microstructure defects and stability in Ni base superalloys Yann Le Bouar, LEM, CNRS/ONERA, France | Investigation of sintering between coarse and multiple fine particles using Phase field simulations Niharika Dalbehera, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India | Parallel Simulation of Solidification and Fluid Flow with OpenPhase Marvin Tegeler, ICAMS, Germany | |
Phase-field study of microstructure control using external Magnetic and Elastic fields Rupesh Chafle, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India | Phase Field Modelling of Diffusion Induced Grain Boundary Migration in Binary alloys Deepjyoti Mukherjee, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden | Multi-GPUs parallelization for AMR-phase-field simulation of dendrite growth Shinji Sakane, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan | |
Effect of elasticity and plasticity on the Widmanstätten growth in metallic alloys Hocine Lebbad, LEM (CNRS/ONERA) & UBC, France & Canada | Phase Field Modelling of Microstructural Evolution in Porous Ni/Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Electrodes Ming Chen, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark | The Sharp Phase Field Method and its application to grain growth and microstructure evolution in Ni-based superalloys Alphonse Finel, Laboratoire d'Etudes des Microstructures, France | |
12:00-22:00 | Excursion/Dinner |
Thursday 25. July 2019
9:00-9:50 | Plenary V: Prof. Dr. Axel Voigt TU Dresden, Germany Defects at grain boundaries: a coarse-grained description by the amplitude expansion of the phase-field crystal model Chair: Marco Salvalaglio | ||
9:50-10:10 | Break | ||
10:10-12:00 | Session XIX:Phase-field crystalChair: Axel Voigt |
Session XX:Plastic deformation and fractureChair: Alphonse Finel |
Highlight 30Min | Marco Salvalaglio Closing the gap between atomic-scale lattice deformations and continuum elasticity within the phase field crystal framework |
Antoine Ruffini Phase-field model coupling dislocations and pores in FCC materials |
Phase Field Crystal Simulation of Crack Extension and Brittle-Ductile Transition Behavior on Nano-Scale Gao Ying-jun, Guangxi University, China | Modelling of crack propagating through heterogeneous material using a ph ase field approach Hervé HENRY, PMC, École Polytechnique, CNRS, France | ||
Phase field simulation of 6XXX Al-Mg-Si alloys during the whole ageing process and its experimental verification Yong Du, Central South University, China | Bifurcation Theory of Plasticity, Damage and Failure Alexander R. Umantsev, Department of Chemistry and Physics, Fayetteville State University, USA | ||
Phase Field Crystal Study of Triple Junction Migration Zhirong Luo, Yulin University, China | Contact phase-field modeling for materials with spatial irregularities Alexandre GUEVEL, Duke University, USA | ||
Multiscale Model for Interlayer Defects in Bilayer Materials Yang Xiang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China | |||
12:00-13:30 | Lunch | ||
13:30-14:30 | Session XXII:Plastic deformation and fractureChair: Alexander R. Umantsev |
Phase field and atomistic modeling of solute-defect interaction in alloys Jaber Rezaei Mianroodi, Material Mechanics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany | |||
Phase field modeling interplay between dislocation glide and interface shear Linghui He, University of Science and Technology of China, China | |||
Numerical investigations on a phase-field description of cohesive zones -- Convergence and applicability to irregular meshes Stephan Roth, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Deutschland | |||
14:30 | Conference end |
PF19 OpenPhase Tutorial
After PF 19 conference on Friday, 26th July, interested conference attendees have the opportunity to take part in the PF 19 OpenPhase Tutorial cohosted by ICAMS and the OpenPhase Solutions GmbH. The PF 19 OpenPhase Tutorial provides a short introduction to the open source phase-field software OpenPhase, hands on examples and talks from current, scientific work using OpenPhase. At the event there is the possibility to get in contact with the developers of the software as well.
Maximum number of participants: 40.
If you are interested please register by e-mail with your full affiliation including taxnumber (VAT).
Registration mail: hildegard.wawrzik@rub.de
The price including Thursday afternoon dinner and coffeebreaks is 175,-€ per person.
Social Event
On Wednesday afternoon, July 24, 2019.Drachenburg Castle on Rhein river and boat trip from it to Köln
Please indicate your participation on the registration form.
Schedule:- 13:00 – 14:30 (15:00) bus trip from Bochum to Drachenburg (dragon's castle). Estimated driving time is about 1,5 hours.
- 15:00 – 17:00 (17:30) visit of the Drachenburg castle and walking to the boat station.
- 18:00 – 21:30 Conference dinner during a boat trip through Rhein river from the Castle Drachenburg to Cologne.
- 21:30 – 22:30 bus trip from Cologne to Bochum.
Discovery guided tour at the Castle Drachenburg:
- Excursion for 6 groups, each max. 25 persons, in English, max. 3 groups in parallel sessions.
- Free visit of the Drachenfels (dragon's rock) ruine on the top of a hill on the Rhine river near by the castle Drachenburgfor all remaining participants. The ruine can be reached either by 10 minutes walking or by a cable car from the Drachenfels castle.
- A cable car is running to the Drachenfels ruine (fare excluded).
Picture Gallery
Abstract Submission
Deadline for abstract submission has passed.
Registration for the 4th International Symposium on Phase‑Field Modelling in Materials Science (PF 19) is closed.Venue
The symposium will take place in the Conference Centre of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. It is located at the main campus below the mensa. It can be easily reached by public transport. A limited number of parking spaces is available in the nearby P9.
Travel Information
By public transport
Bochum Central Station is served by ICE, IC, EC, regional, and suburban trains at a high frequency. From there, you can reach us easily by taking the underground line U35 (CampusLinie) straight to the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), which has its own station named after it. The U35 (direction Bochum Hustadt) runs at five-minute intervals on weekdays and takes just ten minutes to get to the university.
By car
Motorists can also easily reach the RUB via the dense network of motorways in Germany and especially in North Rhine-Westphalia. The quickest route is via the motorway junction Bochum/Witten, where the A43 and A44 meet. Simply take the exit Bochum-Querenburg, follow the signs “Ruhr-Universität” and then the (electronic) information boards.
A limited number of parking spaces is available in the nearby P9.
By plane
Three major airports – Frankfurt, Cologne/Bonn, and Düsseldorf – are within a reasonable distance of Bochum. Düsseldorf Airport is the closest and most easily accessed one: there are direct connections between the airport and Bochum’s main train station up to eight times per hour, and the journey only takes around half an hour. From Frankfurt airport, you can reach Bochum within two hours by Intercity Express trains (ICE).
How to get to the venue “Veranstaltungszentrum” halls 2b and 3
Download PDFAccommodation
There is a variety of hotels available in the Bochum area. Close to the central train station are e.g. IBIS and Park Inn, close to the university is e.g. Post’s Hotel Lottental. The university can easily be reached from the central train station by public transport. If you need assistance with booking accommodation please contact us.
Mercure Hotel Bochum CityMassenbergstr. 19-2144787 Bochum http://www.mercure-hotel-bochum.de/ |
From the University:
Underground U35, Direction: Bochum-Hauptbahnhof, Station: Bochum-Hbf, 2 min walk |
Wald- und Golfhotel LottentalGrimbergstr. 52a44797 Bochum http://www.lottental.de |
From the University:
Bus No. 339, |
Hotel Ibis ZentrumUniversitätsstr. 344789 Bochum http://www.bochum-tourismus.de |
From the University:
Underground U35, Direction: Bochum-Hauptbahnhof, Station: Bochum-Hbf |
Acora Hotel & WohnenNordring 44-5044787 Bochum http://www.acora.de/de/bochum.htm |
(Recommended for car-drivers) From the University:Underground U35, Direction: Bochum-Hauptbahnhof, Station: Wasserstraße, From Wasserstraße: Bus No. 360, Direction: Bochum Hauptfriedhof Station: Springorum |
Haus Vocke “Ambiente”Wiemelhauser Str. 21444799 Bochum http://www.haus-vocke.de |
From the University:
Underground U35, Direction: Bochum-Hauptbahnhof, Station: Brenscheder Straße |
Hildegard Wawrzik
ICAMSRuhr-Universität Bochum
IC 02-513
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Tel. +49 234 32 29371
Email: pf19@icams.rub.de
Visa regulations: http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/EN/Startseite_node.htmlPlease contact the conference office via pf19@icams.rub.de in case you need a letter of invitation for visa purposes.
Important and helpful links:
Traffic/public transport:
Düsseldorf airport: http://www.dus.com/en
Dortmund airport: http://www.dortmund-airport.com/f2a0c5cf806929ea/passengers-visitors
Köln/Bonn airport: https://www.koeln-bonn-airport.de/index.php?id=1&L=1
Deutsche Bahn (German train company): http://www.deutschebahn.com/de/start.html
VRR (local transport): http://vrr.de/de/index.html
Taxi: http://www.taxibochum.de/
Tourism Bochum: http://www.bochum-tourismus.de/en/index.php
Tourism Ruhrgebiet: http://www.ruhr-tourismus.de/en/
Tourism Nordrhein-Westfalen: http://www.nrw-tourism.com/
Events Bochum: http://www.bochum-tourismus.de/de/veranstaltungen/index.php
Bergbaumuseum: http://www.bergbaumuseum.de/index.php/en/
Botanical garden oft he Ruhr-University Bochum: http://www.boga.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/
During this event we offer you the opportunity to register your child for our childcare program. If you wish to register your child, please do so until May 31th, 2019 by using the following form.
Download: ProKids registration form (english)
Download: ProKids registration form (german)
Professor Dr. Ingo Steinbach
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum
Tel: +49 234 32 29315
Email: pf19@icams.rub.de
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